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I like the new Dynamite logo and set, even if it does look like two giant glowing condoms 😂


Tbh I find It really weird MJF even had con dates scheduled post revolution if he wasn’t even gonna come back by then. Really only makes me assume he was originally gonna come back around now but got pushed back longer, probably to something like Dynasty

Ryan Cremeans

The backstage segment really sold me on heel Okada. He's got a goofier side than I expected

Ryan Cremeans

Also I DO like the new Dynamite presentation.... Except the white ropes. Those plus the multicolored logo give me NXT 2.0 vibes which I hate.


Good to see mlw doing strong. I wasn't sold on Kojima being champ at first, But he has put on a string of bangers so far. I hope they do put the belt back on Alex Kane at some point though, His run seemed like it was just starting to heat up.