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Hello all, TD here coming at you with a developer diary.

As of 9/23, we sit at 313 static images, 13 animations, and 10,568 words.

As you can see, development has been a bit charged. Myself? I've been finding work extra-enjoyable lately and passing on that workload to my indomitable partner. I think you'll find this update will have something for everyone. Presently, we juuuust finished a juicy Hana scene and are moving onto a tight sequence of back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back story segments. It's in those, like the last update, that I'm having a ton of fun tackling and figuring out the pacing of.

 Now, not only is there a lot of varied content (a lot of different scenes, locations, and mixes of characters), but you can expect some UI overhauls in 4.4. To name one specifically, I've been itching to redo the scene replay gallery. The 2x2 grid has become increasingly impractical as the updates pile on, so I'm going to take a more organized stab at it. I have some other ideas, but I will save those for future developer diaries when I've actually broken ground on them.

That's it for now. Thank you all for your continued support and for enabling us to do what we love.




Thank you for your hard work

Benjamin Eloise

Hello, I am new to your work. I like the characterization and psychological description very full, and the plot is very smooth. May I ask if you have written a novel? Please satisfy my curiosity


TD used to write comics before working on PC. At any rate, by now he has written 2 Moby Dick's worth of words for this project!! ^^

ken padgett

Love the work! I am not sure if you saw this question that was asked. But have you guys ever thought of doing something in the release dates for "Gold Members." Just curious because right now we get our release at the same time it goes public so other the the "dev logs" what is the benefit?