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Hello everyone. I'm stunned to have so many people looking forward to hearing my voice. I can't say thanks enough for your energy and support. It's so fun to make stuff, and to have it make someone's day a little bit better. 💕
I'm also excited to be using new headphones soon, with many thanks to your generous donations. I'm still processing that in my head. Crazy. I'm so grateful!
(Now I can work on how to improve my sound quality!)

Now I'll let you in on a couple of plans I have for this month:
🌸A fun Collab audio with a very talented Fem voice ASMR YouTuber, @RIA-llyboredASMR ! It will be posted on her channel. I'll of course add the link when it's ready! ;)
🌸The continuations and conclusions to the Cruel Empress and Dark Sorceress series.
🌸The next Cruel Empress video is definitely NSFYT, so I'll have to post the ending here on Patreon. I didn't want anyone to be left hanging with a paywall... So maybe I will leave it as free content, because I feel bad about it haha! Anyway:
🌸A special Collab effort with one of my favourite script writers, to be posted to YouTube when it's ready. I'm very excited for this one.
🌸An extended hour-long audio project I've been brewing for a while...
🌸The return of hypnosis-themed content! Wow! (Bet that shocked you. /jk)

As usual, feel free to comment here with anything- suggestions, questions, or just to say hi!
Best wishes, from Bun 💕🐇
(And sorry for the wall of text...)


Nicholas A.

Looks like there's some big stuff on the horizon! New equipment, collabs, a special project, and a return to hypnoTEAsm. Can't wait!!

Tea Bunny VA

Oh my god.... Hypnoteasm. Amazing. You're a gift that keeps on giving. 😂 Thank you!


really looking forward to everything youre working on!! youve quickly become my favorite VA 🫶