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Hello everyone. Good morning, evening, afternoon, wherever you are. 💖

It's the first ~community~ post! Wow! Woohoo!

Like the title implies, I would love to read any comments, conversations or questions.
Please feel free to say hi and comment here!

Please note: If you do have a request for me, it will not be guaranteed that I will do it. But I will consider any that you have. 🍵🐇


Nicholas A.

Love to see that you're doing well. I don't think I say it enough, but I really enjoy and appreciate your videos. Especially now with this past month being absolutely awful for me. Your sweet voice comes as great relief in this difficult time.

Nicholas A.

Anyway, things look like they're on the upswing for me now, so don't worry about me. Just keep doing what you do, and I'll cheer you on. 🎉

Tea Bunny VA

You're so kind. It's a real mental boost having your support, pretty much since I started! Don't worry about feeling like you need to thank me, I'm very pleased to have you around and it's just nice to know my audio has helped you in some way. I'm a pretty shy person IRL, so it's very encouraging. I'm very sorry about the rough time you've been having. I hope things get better and you catch a break. You definitely deserve it!