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Your (irregularly) scheduled bun will be back after these messages, lol. Much love. 🐇

Some notes on this one:

I do say 'video' instead of 'audio' sometimes, oops, but its chill don't worry about it ✌️😎

Sorry if I don't make much sense? This was a spontaneous thing.

Let me know how you're doing, what's up in your world?



Nicholas A.

I hope you're more comfortable with these kinds of audios in the future, because I really enjoyed this. The main thing that made me want to support you when you were getting started was how sincere you were when you expressed gratitude, and hearing the same humble gratitude now is so uplifting. I'm glad you're having so much fun with this new chapter in your life, and your passion always comes through in your videos. Good luck with your move, Tea. Wishing you the best.

Tea Bunny VA

Thanks so much for your response, as always! It's really helped me through a tough couple of days this week. I'm glad that this wasn't just messy spaghetti-recording, and that you actually liked it! lol. I'm not sure how I could thank you enough for your continued support from the beginning! Other than to just keep going, and hopefully that's good enough for now. It's people like yourself that really help fuel my excitement for this funny little niche on the internet. :)


Even this litten IRL ramble is a pleasure to listen to. You have such a soft and pleasent voice, its amazing. I even had some giggles while listen to it. Would be nice to hear more from the real Tea Bunny from time to time. I find it hard to express my emotions because I am not a native english speaking person, but I hope I was able to present the general Idea. 🤔 Looking forwart to you own scripts.

Tea Bunny VA

I really appreciate your words. Glad I can make you smile. Thank you Ripmav! (Your English is pretty good by the way)