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And the last pic for this month is a very effect-loaden one :D In more ways than just one! Once again for the Jackie Chan Adv. theme - and this is the thunder demon guy going by the name Tchang Zu. He's bigger and quite a bit more hot-tempered than Shendu - sadly also a bit more stupid ;D But he makes up for that in other aspects, wouldn't you happen to agree! Since he already has those fancy lightning powers, he also is no stranger to putting them to good use P: Edging his GroinStaff for a whole night without any break is one of his favorite past-times 8D~ -- I went a bit more experimental here :> For one thing - no smoothed shading, but I kept the hard edged brush strokes visible. That makes for a craptacularly busy picture that is not easy on the eyes, BUT I find it matches well with his looks so I kept it :] I also took the liberty to rework his head design just a WEE BIT (mainly getting rid of those stupid fat spikes poking out of his upper neck area and turning them into ears) and of course I added some markings onto his dong because I got a taste of dick markings on the previous pics and also the Galio pic from a bit ago X] Hope you find this enjoyable, too! Up next month shall be more pics for the Spidey/venom/Symbiote theme, so I'll get that covered then. And also one more pic for this JCA theme if there's time. *nod nod* So look forward to that :D Check yer file locker and enjoy!




I think the change to the shading on this one worked really well :)