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YUSSS it is finally done @w@ And I'm pleased with it, and hope that you will be pleased as well because this was fun :D Jackie Chan Adventures again, this time two of the sexy Oni/Mask demon/generals that you can look at in Season 4! These two only appear in the final 2 episodes of that season, and are promptly defeated by the fucking annoying good guys ;/ *stabs Jade in the face* But either way! The blue guy actually has a name: General Ikazuki! And he's quite hunky and chillaxed so I'm sure he'd be fun to hang out with~ The yellowish Bat-Oni General was never named and never got to speak, so I dunno what he's called D: But no matter his name, his dick shall make him worth remembering~ Fertile demonic Oni spears, ready to thrust DEEP INTO YOUR THROAT~ or other parts of your body (you pervs, shame!) -- Haha xD Their head designs are curious. And quite different, so I figured they'd make a nice pair :] This picture is wallpaper-sized >:D!! 2k resolution for those of you that have those kinda screens~ Hopefully that makes this pic useful to you. Background-wise, I've put them into ... well I suppose a slightly asian-themed dimension of sorts, maybe their home, who knows. I like rocks and mystical places so that serves well as background :> Design-wise, I had the opportunity to decide on their body designs since they are only shown wearing armor, so that was nice, too! Overall: NICE PIC~ Check yer file locker! Hope you enjoy and lemme know whatcha think. :D




I'll take the Gold one! ;)


Very awesome art as per usual very pleased with it good job Todex. <3