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Yes that is right, gentle fappers and men! Time for the votes. All the info you need is part of the vote site, so waste no time and go cast your vote NOW. :] You have time until next Tuesday. It will take about 2 minutes. >> Go here: https://todex.typeform.com/to/umfZDB


Themevote April+May

Yes that is right, I'm totally trying to score bonus points with you. ;P Anyways!It is time for the votes for April and May. The three choices from the last vote which did not make first or second places will return this round, and two new options will be added.



Oh! NOT TRYING TO RIG THE VOTES xD! Patreon has that weird habit of picking up any images it finds at the link destination and uses it as post header >n>


posted my vote! ^^ One question though: How do the suggested, new votes work? Will you have a look at them and if you like them consider to put them into the next 2-month-poll? And if you have a look at it, feel free to send me an email or a message here with what you think about it, I'd be curious! ^^


Yeah I'll have a look later and if there's something on my mind about it, I'll let you know. And yes. I look at the suggestions and if they're reasonable and I assume that others will also enjoy them, I'll consider putting them into future votes.


Voted! Also might've gone overboard with suggestions I REGRET NOTHING


All filled out :)