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And here we go with the next picture :D! This time another threesome because .... well because I have to cover some ground, design-wise! And because I'm sure you don't mind. >u> Now do you~ So here we have three Lokian warrior bros/comrades - also from Tera Online. They're the bad guys that most players just mindlessly kill D': !! Can't you see what man-muffins they are? @N@ These three couldn't ignore the fact that their armor is as revealing as the one the Aman wear, so eventually they caught each other with a boner at the same time... at which point the pact was forged. @w@/ Lokians are rather uncomplicated in that aspect/ Probably because the females are too busy with.. Iunno. Throwing frying pans at each other or so, so the guys have to drain their ballz by other means~ -- Fun fun! They're a bit more on the humanish side of things (maybe an orcish vibe), but that's also refreshing, innit. P: Up next is another pic for League of Legends, and also I'll prepare the next votes now. So stay tuned and let me know whatcha think :D Check yer file locker as usual and ENJOY!




More characters with your shit eating grins. <3


How dare you call it that XD IT IS A MANLY NAUGHTY BRO-ISH GRIN


Wow!! Todex's always hot for Virus. I used to play "Tera Online" before.It's fun.