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GREETINGS, fellow woshippers of the Eternal Wank Force! Yes yes, now it begins @n@/ I shall offer you the first ingredient for this month's great ritual of boner: DARKAN. He is a boss from Tera Online and a real cute-muffin >:] Or well, at least when he's not trying to kill you! But luckily you managed to capture him, snow it is time to check out his body in ways no one has done before @w@/ -- AAAAAAARGHHHH Another glowy lava-y character XD I swear by Cthulhu's nutsack I'm not starting every month with such a character on purpose! I just guess they're among the more complex choices, so I like to do them first - that way I can invest a bit more time. This holds true for this magnificent specimen P: I believe this is the first Rule34 of this guy, so feel proud to have made this possible, Gentlemen! Tried a few things style-wise with the shading for this pic, and I think it turned out to be a rather eye-pleasing piece. P: Well. It'll also please another bodypart of yours. As usual, check your file locker, and ENJOY! And let me know whatcha think :D -- Also, I'll prepare the next round of votes and will put them up in the next days - this time you'll have more time to vote so it'll not be so rushed. :>




The best thing about ending a crazy work week is getting to your e-mail account to find this waiting for you. And this is a doozy. <3 Personal favorite of mine, of the ones you've done up in the last month. And not completely for his "size". I swear. >.=.> Usually I'm not crazy for spines and such on the third leg, but this is an exception. You give'em that feel of bein' stimulators, instead of tearing all the flesh they touch. :p Nice and soft-lookin'. Kudos. Then there's that angry, growly face of his. Sheesh. That seals the deal completely. I'm not complainin' about glowy eyes. Or thick-jaw underbites. Or a dick thicker than you can grab around *AHEM* SO YEAH good job. I'm tryin' not to be biased about the black and orange color scheme here, since its a favorite of mine, but something about this picture just... feels really great in terms of the others. And I'm likin' it. Many times. Excuse the mess.