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Yes, here we go with the next pic! 8DDDDD I'm trying to get to the usual count of 3-4 pics this month, so maybe I'll manage one more before the month is over @w@ Stay tuned! Now for this pic here! This is Rengar, and I think he's pretty much the Tony Tiger of the League of Legends world >->/ Everyone knows him~ Especially on FA xD I do like him; he's an evil son-of-a-bitch and as such ... He of course needs to show us his goods! AND THAT HE IS. Against his will! I've written down a very crude, short story snippet of what is going on in this scene. If interested, have a read! --> http://pastebin.com/wDbb1Xg3 Experimented a bit more with blur in this pic :] Was quite entertaining to work on it, so let me know what you think! :D As usual check your file locker! AND ENJOY!




That reading snippet you gave us was really good, haha. As usual, I don't have any experience with the game this guy comes from, but if he's anything like the way you portrayed him in the reading (And I bet he is cause you usually stick to personality), that just makes this all the more entertainin'. Nothin' like bein' humbled by gettin' tied up on the ground and forced to give 5-Star porn any nearby cameras. ;] Dude is so angry, and I love it. Angry cums are the best ones. :p Also good job on the face and head. All those fur tufts must've been a bitch to draw, heh.


Maybe that is why you like to pretend you're easily angered, eh? >;D CHARK BOI! Indeed. Well.. not sure if they have any cameras in whatever timeframe the League plays at, but yush!~ Tufts? You mean the grass? Nah, the hair thingies .. dreads.. whatever you call them were more of a pain to do!

Monsieur Foxy

That short, but sweet, drabble you wrote for Rengar's forced pleasure..... was good. Very good.


Little snippet of a story is a window into a sharky mind! As if all the visual porn weren't a big wide open door :D Some real fun work here!