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Hello, Everybody :D! Alrighty, the vote results are in! Vote participation was better than on average, so I hope you all enjoyed the new vote platform. X] But to business. As you can see by the results, available in graphical form here: http://i.imgur.com/cWWmiDA.jpg there are quite a few close calls, ESPECIALLY in the second theme category. The results are not as polarized as they used to be in the past, and I didn't anticipate that you'd like so many themes at once! D: That being said! The new primary theme for February and March 2015 is going to be League of Legends, accompanied by the secondary theme Tera Online. There will be a good mix of both themes. :] The other three options WILL REAPPEAR in the next vote and two new options will be added as well. So I'm looking forward to the next time you guys are gonna vote - gonna be interesting. xD Also a request: Those of you that picked Tera Online - you surely must have screenshots of the game, right? If you could collect them up in an archive (characters, monsters, locations!) and toss them my way either as message via Patreon or as email to: project - at - todexlabs (dot) com, you'd spare me from having to hunt through the wiki by myself X] Bonus-points if you can put the screenshots into named folders so I know what is what!





I was hoping League would get picked there are a lot of sexy characters though I hope that he doesn't do Nasus and Renekton because he already did Anubis and Sobek (And I guess Azir but Azir seems to be more based on Ra than Horis)


Yes, I am aware of which characters I already did in commissions, or which ones of past themes are similar and sort through the choices accordingly :]


Damn!!! I wanna "Spidey's Problems"...but well the first option it was the one I wanna see.


Mmmh. Some way or another, it'll sneak itself into a theme eventually. I have faith in Spidey's bonerproblems X]


are you gunna feature champions in their original skins, or other skins? (mecha aatrox, etc.)


Good question! I think what matters the most is that the champion looks hot or interesting, so if another skin should be better than the original one, that might get picked. In case of Aatrox, the default look is fine P: Easier to attach a wang to a fleshy body rather than a metallic one~