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Daz ryte, Boyz and Girlz! Why not start 2015 with A BANG ;D... And you know which bang I mean! In either case, the final pic for this month (but not for the WoW theme, which will of course continue next month!) is a tasty solo pic of a Worgen that wants to have a good time with you. How can you resist? :B -- > As usual check your File Locker! -- Kinda not as evil as the other things I commonly draw, BUT I wanted to see how ya guys like this :] A bit more hunky, a bit more gentle, but still manly~ Ah right! He is a Death Knight, meaning sorta reanimated by the Lich King (also that is why he got glowy eyes), But don'tcha worry, he isn't gonna rot away! He isn't any specific Worgen - I made him up based on reference of the game, so I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but probably will find some before releasing him onto the unsuspecting public tomorrow. xD I normally don't draw any furred characters for my own enjoyment, since I prefer bare skin or scales or such things, BUT this was still fun. And different from the few canine characters I had to draw as part of commissions - there I had no say over the design and well! :> Anyways! If I had to grope one of those species, then he would be a good candidate. Sorta more on the humanish side of things! Also I did not forget the tail - the Worgen simply don't have any :O ! But that came in handy for this pose. Hope you enjoy this aaaaaand I hope you got a very exciting year of 2015 once it hits you tomorrow/today, depending on your timezones :] Make some nice resolutions and have fun! And try not to detonate any fireworks in your hands, you still need 'em for fappin' ! And lemme know what you think~ More Wow stuff in January!




Nah. Why'd he be depressed if he has such a mighty weapon to entertain himself with :D


I think this is a great way to end the year. Fabulous work as always. I don't know about anyone else but I would like to see this guy again in January paired with another WoW character.


<a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uSNoezzDud4/UazPDizteDI/AAAAAAAAAa8/pICDJFn_Rp4/s1600/keep-calm-and-love-blue-137.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uSNoezzDud4/UazPDizteDI/AAAAAAAAAa8/pICDJFn_Rp4/s1600/keep-calm-and-love-blue-137.png</a>