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First of all: Merry belated XXX-Mas, you pervs and connoisseurs of pr0nz! :D That being said, here comes a picture that consumed a wee bit too much time (whenever I could escape the christmassy horrors that is!) - but hopefully it'll make your holidays a bit less boring ;) Featuring BLACKHAND, that sexy lava-ish orc villain from the newest WoW Expansion - as well as DROV (the Ruiner, yep that is his name), who is some kinda.. large.. one-eyed thingy.. thing! EEH you see it in the pic XD But thing is, there is a reason Drov is called the RUINER :T He ruins every throat, butt or vag his molten rod of love comes into contact with @n@/ Seen here is the unholy creation of The Black Hand - Blackhand's big hammer (kinda stupid that they're named the same, BUT AH WELL 8D). How else do you think did he get all that magic lava-y power into it, hm? Loads and loads and LOADS of his own cum and that of Drov. :Dc So next up is one more pic this month before the year ends, and then another month of WoW since you are well aware that I didn't get that much done this month (at least quantity-wise!) Hope everyone of you has a good time!~ Check the File Locker as usual - https://tdxlabs.owncube.com , download and ENJOY. Lemme know whatcha think!




Blizzard kinda suck at naming things TBH. *Sings* My name is Drov and I am horny My name is Drov, the one and only I did not come to fuck around 'Til I get your rocks off I won't leave this town


My fav so far^^ whats gonna be next :O?


I don't know which lyrics you're trying to mock with, but seeing you sing around must mean that you like it :D


Probably a Worgen dude~ Hope to get him done before New Year, and then next month some moar WoW goodness~