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Heya you bunch of old (and some new! YO! :D) Pervs! =========================================== Things are gonna change around here on my Patreon project in regards to how files will be accessed. You might notice: The extra version posts (applies only to the $3+ pledge level peeps!) are gone. They aren't gone, they're relocated. >> Beginning today, the extra versions for each submission will be hosted in my very own cloud storage solution. >>>> You find the file locker here: https://tdxlabs.owncube.com <<<< (For the geeky fellas among you, I'm using OwnCloud and the files will be residing on a server in Iceland because I like their privacy laws + lack of NSA fapping to my porn). The benefit is that you can download the files in one go, and you can also sync them using desktop and mobile apps, no matter what operating system or platform you're on! :D >> All current $3+ pledge level supporters in good standing will be given log-in account data for that file locker TODAY. It is there that you will access past and future extra versions. >> $1 pledge level supporters: Nothing will change for you; those files will still be attached to Patreon posts as always. :] The reason for doing this is an annoying one: (TL,DR: Because Patreon allows some people to scam me) Every month there are several users who make a Patreon account on a fake name, with a seemingly random email address, and (I suppose) useless credit card data. They sign up for support, Patreon immediately unlocks the access to all posts + all file attachments for them, they TAKE THEM, and THEY LEAVE AGAIN A FEW MINUTES LATER. Their benefit: Tons of stuff to fap to. Our benefit: NONE. No support for better/more pictures, no contribution, no acknowledgement of YOUR contributions. There are also some Patrons who sign up and stay in the list of backers, but for some mysterious reason (they never message me about problems!) never pay for any of their pledges ever. But still reap benefits that should be reserved for you guys, you DESERVE them. Patreon only gives me two options in this case! Either I let those people stay, inflating my statistics and damaging the Project in the long run, OR I kick them out. But the moment I do that, Patreon gracefully forgives them and deletes all outstanding payments :D So I lose the support forever. Then they are free to come back and repeat this thing all over again. I think the solution I chose to fix this loop-hole is a very elegant one. You actually benefit from an easy to browse folder structure with your files, and I don't have to get frustrated over selfish people. Also this solves another problem. As you know, Patreon discriminates adult-oriented projects and forcibly disables Paypal payments for them. So you have to use credit cards or you can't support me. With a user-account based file storage solution, I can allow people to support me with payments through PAYPAL, making it easier for you, them, and everyone else to bring this Project forward! At least this is something I plan for the near future. Sounds interesting, yesh? :D I'll have to manually go through the user list and make accounts for each of you + message you the details, so this might take me a few hours from the time I post this text here X] Once I am done, I'll post the new Mass Effect pic that I just finished :>





Todex, you're so cool ^.=.^


Might as well host your own if u got a computer to spare :D


TL;DR "We have unending faith in the genius of assholes" Spoilsports a;ways ruin the fun


I don't have the necessary uplink bandwidth available :P


Can't believe people would do that when it's only 3 frickin bucks; yeesh. I am surprised Patreon does instant-access before a payment goes through though.


Patreon is all like "Oh you don't HAVE To give the creators money, they cannot ASK FOR IT, it is all VOLUNTARY" and will never implement any checks, at least I don't see anything like that coming. That would actually mean they'd have to take a bit of resposibility for something and it seems like they don't want to do that.