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Hey there.

So, the good news, i get the new PC.

But the bad news - the update will probably be postponed for technical reasons (the new PC already had more than 10 BSODs and I'm still solving this problem) and because I came up with more scenes than I had planned in the first place, in the course of development.

And also I'm just slow in creating scenes because of my perfectionism and A LOT of work in ZBrush. Maybe one day I will do a series of articles "How I create render / scene / new character" so people can understand how much time it really takes.
But I can't blame anyone, more than year ago, I also thought it would be easier than it really is.

And in order not to upset myself, I'm gonna take extra time to make an update the way I want it to be.

And not to upset you too much, I will pause the patreon next month.

My first delay, yaaay! Hope not the last one, hah?

Just kidding, sorry. =)

I realize how lucky I am to have all of you and your support.

But also I realize how much work, effort and time I have invested at this moment.

And I do not want to ruin either one or the other.

I know that some people think developers are like, "Hmm, how do I get all the fans angry, lose trust and part of the support and whole income for next month? Oh, I know the solution, the delay!" But that's not how it works. =) I just want to make the update better than it is now. It will never be perfect, but...

Yes, a lot of people are waiting for an update, and this is also part of the problem.
I'm just as human as you are and I'm afraid of overestimating expectations.

I've seen cases where one update could make a part of the audience angry and distract, and I'm afraid it will happen to me. I'm trying to make the episode more intense, more extensive, and with more "content".

I know that somebody will write after update release that "not enough, and this I've been waiting for four months, meh, too short", but at least I'll know I've done everything I can.

So I'd rather lose part of my audience now than most or all of the time after a bad update.

Perhaps I should have done everything according to the original plan 2/3 in October and 3/3 in December, and not to try to chase the speed of updates, but... Next time i'll be smarter.

And the last thought, delay doesn't mean, "Well, now I'll create MEGA SUPER update!!11", nope, it's just "I'm gonna make it what it's supposed to be, in the way I see it."
Don't overstate your expectations.

I'm afraid to say new dates, so the update will be released when it's ready.

By the way, don't forget, that you can tell me how upset you are, personally at the discord chat.


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