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INTRO - 0:00




OUTRO - 16:29




Yeah this performance lives rent free in my head. The ladies absolutely demolished the stage and left nothing but ashes behind. (I do have to say that 2PM's Must come back showcase set... they did ADTOY and let me tell you, that song hits DIFFERENT. Now it's 30 year old men performing that song and it is far sexier now than it was in 2013.) I get you on 2PM's unhinged level - every time I see Nickhun I always flashback to him on Dive Studios staring directly into the camera and going "if there's an emoji for "big butt" that would be Junho" (the question/request was to describe 2PM members with emojis) and I just nodded because honestly... it's 2PM either solo or with each other, it's all unhinged. Once again Dreamcatcher said 'change pronouns? I think not. Hey girl 😏😘'


Trust Dreamcatcher to increase the f***boy energy. 😂 Your reasons are why it's my favourite cover of theirs also: The changes to the track instrumental and choreo really help sell the song even more (and I love the original song, don't get me wrong). I honestly don't think most of DC's performance was live vocally but it's one of those times where I don't care for all the other aspects of the performance being so well put together. JiU and Dami were the first ones to cover bits of this song in concerts and on a very funny segment of Idol Radio (just 2 mins here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yy4U0EeUjM ) and I'm so glad the group decided to do a full cover probably based on people's reactions. 😭 Siyeon having the most f***boy energy of all is also super in-character honestly, she is both very flirtatious and very funny in such specific ways behind the scenes, it's hard to describe.


They freaking brought the HOUSE down with this!!!! Such a great vibe and I 1000% understand why this lives rent free for so many!!


I also have a preference for Dreamcatcher's performance. There's just something really nice about it.

Noemi Ramírez

YOOHYEEEOOOOONNNN!!!!!! ... Sorry, sorry, i'm ok, it's ok, everythings fine.... Loved you watched this performance 🙌