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INTRO - 0:00



OUTRO - 8:43




I haven't had time to catch up on the other videos yet but I HAD to watch this one!!! Seungkwan is my ult bias and one of the main vocals of SVT!! He actually has a lot of songs and choreos in his head - on variety shows, he's one of the best at identifying songs from really old to the 'released a week ago' stuff! He's been a big fan of girl groups since childhood and there are countless clips of him dancing their choreos for fun! You mention at the beginning that his dancing was really similar to Dino's in comparison to Vernon and that could be due to their long time teamwork and them taking this really seriously (Seungkwan said "we gotta do a danceology together at some point" and Dino was like "alright, then we're getting everything perfect from the pre-dance gestures and run in to the fade out") but it could also be because Dino's been helping him with his dancing and teaching him a lot since they were trainees together, which could have influenced his dancing style/how he dances? Edit: ALSO, I believe Dino chose this song and choreographed it very deliberately to match Seungkwan! Edit 2: Also, what's your opinion on Seungkwan as a dancer from what you've noticed of him? He's not the most "powerful" dancer compared to members like Dino/Hoshi/Vernon/Woozi etc, but something about the way he dances just makes him really nice to watch for me - then again, I'm very very biased lol


I really see them as the most in sync out of the members I've seen dance in pairs! (It's still pretty limited with that though!)


Regarding your question about Seungkwan as a dancer, I feel he plays a key role in maintaining the flow and aesthetic of the unison and group choreo. When you think of a choir, you think those that can stand out as soloists and those who are the ones who carry the harmonies, melodies, and the collaborative "sound" that helps make the power of the "whole" sound, powerful. That is how I would view Seungkwan!