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they weren't too satisfied with the choreo for the chorus so taeyong (the one in black muscle shirt) drafted one and sm liked it so they approved it. some other choreographers involved you are familiar with were yumeki (1mil, he did the last chorus) and ingyoo (wdbz). idk if you know about smp floor but it's a channel dedicated to choreography drafts for sm artists. it might interest you to see how each choreographer interprets each song and see which choreo goes in the final draft.


Thank you so much for the insight! That channel sounds super interesting! thanks for letting me know more!


127 is usually 9 but one of their members got into an accident prior to this comeback so what you're seeing is the adjusted choreo for 8 people.

monica medrano

Hi I suggest seventeen dance practice they are known for being in synchronized.some suggestions ( super, getting closer, hit, clap, home run…)