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i will say these exact routines were performed in front of a live audience as well (just like the kpop company mission), so there’s def things that might stand out here but weren’t as noticeable or just as noticeable in the live run. i’m so excited to see section B for these crews as i’ve heard an interesting rumor on who will be versing each other. as well as all the points from the past few missions and votings will be added up, i cannot wait until next week to see who makes top 4!!! i’m praying my girls jam and bebe make it to the end !!


this could also be why bebe’s hands were already stained red bc idk if they filmed first or if they did the live first 😭😭


ignore how i’m commenting as i’m watching but i truly think this is one of my favorite bebe performances up there with the kpop mission because they truly got to showcase themselves and their growth as w crew!! it’s honestly why i really love their section A bc i think they really wanted to show they can hold their own without bada and they aren’t just her students!


This is probably one of the best performances they have ever given… so captivating and I was so happy to see it