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I just really love the visual direction in this. The MV intro ties into the other one with the glitches as you say... by making it clear that this "era" is getting free from it. It's such a nice representation of how this album lyrically settles in with the constant anxiety and questioning of the previous two - answers are found in the support they receive (from each other, from the fandom, from love, however you'd interpret it). I am NOT!/WHO?/YOU. is such a good and concise trilogy. (Also loved the ending MV visual kind of being a reversal of Hellevator's where the kids are both on the same plane as the city skyline but at level with it. They got to that penthouse. 😭) Musically, I also LOVE one choice that you will not see in this marathon: Each album in the trilogy had a short intro (NOT! WHO? and YOU.), and the last song on I am YOU. is called 0325 (debut date!) and all about the triumph of having debuted and all the hardships along the road both before and after. The instrumental is a mash-up of all the intros. 😌


I can 100% see this... Love the reversal and it creates such thought provoking perspectives which can go so deep so quickly. Also just based on what you mentioned about all the intros mashing up, is a literal BEAST of a move and that is awesome! I'll get to as much as possible without dying this month haha

Gail Palmer

Again, so interesting. I love seeing the progression of their “feel” if you will, of each other and the synchronicity of their movements. The fun part is now watching as they become more and more attuned to each other how more individuality will start to turn up. What fun.


YES YES YES! Love it when a group gets to this place collectively! Makes it all that much more fun!