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Shelly Price

Oh man, I had to watch your reaction twice for this episode! So much content, I love it! First, thank you for taking your time to break down the dance moves’ names; even when you paused to look up j-hope and Link’s collaboration there at the end, it’s much appreciated. You take such great care of this forum and of your Patreon students. One question I had, do you find that many dance moves overlap? Like one move might be named something in the general genre of hip-hop, but yet you might see it also named something else in locking? I did want to mention, I watched the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2023 Inductee Ceremony where they highlighted DJ Kool Herc, often known as the Father of Hip Hop. His little bio that they put together was fascinating to watch and made me research him more. He actually was credited for coining dancers as break boys and break girls (b-boys)… I loved learning about him. You are right though, there is so much content out there. I’m glad that it’s being documented as it’s important to keep its roots firmly planted in the minds of today’s performers.

Shelly Price

Also…. Yes, if you react to Alive TV, I would love to watch it with you. I made note to look it up to watch it, but haven’t had a chance so far. For this episode, I absolutely LOVED Link. I loved his question, why do you dance. AND when he said if you enjoy dance, you’re good enough. Well, at age 59… I’m good enough then! Haha! Also, just one other thing, I’m loving that as these episodes progress, I’m watch j-hope progress, and I’m watching the chemistry between him and Kin increase. They MUST do a special collaboration when j-hope gets out of the military. They are dynamic to watch. Thanks again Jess, your time and care is really appreciated.


Thank you for being so encouraging and supportive while I’m growing as well! To answer your question, moves 100% can and have overlapped throughout styles (hence my confusion during the house episode haha 😂) and a lot of that is based on those that have partaken in the styles! When you referenced dj kool Herc, definitely agree that breakers were coined from his influence! I also believe the guy who referenced the name hip hop to the media was also influenced by kool Herc! The big thing I’ve learned over the years is was kool Herc the one who MADE the hiphop sound on that specific day at THAT party? not 100%. That can create a vacuum perspective on the culture itself, but he is so so important in the culture of it. I have a link to a mini post Building Block made when Hiphop celebrated its 50th anniversary and I’ll drop it here so you can hear from Moncell Durden who is a Hiphop historian! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cvz09ibNfDB/?igsh=MTFiN2w4NmJobno5aw==


I also got mad teary eyed when he said that 🥹 so simple yet so impactful! Because he is RIGHT! I am excited to see how Jhope is after his military service because not only did he have the ability to rediscover dance in this way, but he also has been resting as well (weird especially by being in the military but we all know their schedules 😂) as always thank you for watching this with me!! Always a joy!