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INTRO - 0:00



OUTRO - 41:42



Shelly Price

I agree with you Jessica, I think the fact that they incorporated so many different dance styles in this episode, it’s not wrong, however it could get confusing. I think, maybe what they could have done is just added text on the screen to clarify what styles are being displayed. That might help the viewer a little. I have seen the House episode, and I think it’s definitely a little more evident; but this episode could get confusing. By the way, you mentioned you were born in “one of those years”…. If it’s 1996… that’s the year my son was born. I’m an older k-pop fan (well, I just love dance music and dance groups), but anyway, it appears you may be my son’s age. 1996 is my favorite year, well every year has been my favorite since he was born. ☺️😉

Shelly Price

I will say, also, what I love about this docu-series is watching j-hope pay homage to much of the dance genres I grew up with. I was a young teen in the 70’s when a lot of what you’re seeing in these episodes were just developing. Watching Soul Train and American Bandstand were the only ways for us kids to learn (weekly, and only if the antenna on the roof was positioned just right to tune in the channel). But we had to watch those two shows, and learn the dance moves through memorizing what we saw. There was no YouTube to pause and rewind… VCR’s were not even a thing back then so forget about taping those shows. So those of us who were fascinated by dance really had to absorb what we could, and quickly. And then develop the art of mimicking by memory. Sorry… just a trip down memory lane there… but the fact that j-hope chose to highlight these extraordinary dance styles, it’s why I adore him so much.


I LOVE THIS PERSPECTIVE!!! Never apologize for your memories resurfacing and expressing those! Thank you so much for sharing and I too am glad that jhope is taking the time to dive into these styles the way that he is!


You are right! I was born in 1996! You have good taste in years haha! And I am really excited to watch the House episode based on what you said and I agree that itemizing it a bit more would be helpful in the future! But I really enjoyed this one a lot!