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What happened:
Another mod author incorrectly accused me of using his files. A Nexus support-staff member by the name of Rakkosuki, Aka AltheaR, banned me right away without checking the validity of the claim. ..After I got banned, Nexusmods kept my files! They literally cut me off, and stole my mods and my earnings.

48 active mods. User status: BANNED.
Rakkosuki, the inkompetent support-staff who did this, has done this to others as well: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-strikes/
No proof of his/her claims, and no decency to contact people first. Even if this person is acting independently against Nexusmods guidelines, Nexusmods ultimately has the responsibility of who they hire.

The accusation:
I NEVER uploaded anyone else's files. It's a flat out lie, which is easily provable. But it's of course more profitable to ban me, a non-premium user, instead of correcting a premium user, regardless of what's right and what's wrong.

About the mod:
The mod I uploaded (The only one that's now deleted), was a mod that altered an NPC from another mod. Nothing borrowed, nothing stolen. 100% selfmade and by the book. 4 files I created, that replaced 4 other files. Standard mod practice. ..But the author of the mod, which my files would overwrite, thought that I had stolen his mod and re-released it with some changes. Which was NOT the case.

What now:
I will no longer be using Nexus for anything but download. All future mods will be hosted on the Game Modification website and Patreon. My presence on Nexusmods was not big enough for me to bother filing a lawsuit for theft and harassment, even though that would be the appropriate action.

A word of advice, NEVER upload anything to Nexusmods that you don't want stolen. Downloading is fine, but don't sign up for their premium membership, and never ever upload anything.

>>>> If you are in the same situation, and Nexusmods has stolen mods and/or earnings from you as well, write me at: tore999@gmail.com. I might pay their office a visit to collect, next time I'm back in the UK... Or, if we are enough people with provable evidence of their misconduct and theft, maybe a lawsuit would be worth it.




Well, Nexus finally deleted the mods they stole from me, but I still haven't gotten my earnings. No matter tho, as long as they deleted what they stole.