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Hello guys, long time no see. These last days i've been struggling with work and other stuff, lots of driving and to do business here and there but, i think i finally managed to spare some more time for myself. And now, i think is time for me to start posting again.

I do have plans to reboot my patreon page, like i was thinking of trying to get back the old website where i used to post my content, but that will still cost me some cash so, i guess i need to save a little.

Also, i'm going to start to post content more often, continue with the comics, and i wanted to hear some suggestions from you about pinups and other lewd stuff. Trying to post daily content and everything.

Also, i wanted to thank you to all of those who has been patient with me in this entire hiatus and decided to sitck with me.  You're really breathtaking!

Cya around and take care!



It's great to hear you're doing your best to post again! Much love and respect for you my friend~