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what part of "pausing my patreon campaign" no one understands? this means you will not be charged at the end of the month. it seems like nobody read the posts i do but somehow they remember i haven't posted anything and remove their pledge before reaching the end of the month.



Sorry about that, people are often inobservant. Perhaps they open their patreon and only saw text instead of images and interpreted that as "this person doesn't post" without looking further into it. Sorry you have to deal with that!


I'm actually having troubles with my card right now. It keeps saying that I need to update my info and stuff but it won't accept it. My balance is also very low because of college books, and I cancelled all my other patrons too.


People are not interested in text walls so they don't read that, people are just stupid sooo yeaaah. Rip them


atleast you're not like some artists that dont pause their pledges and dont post anything for months and still charge you money thank you for saying that you're going to pause your patreon and hopefully everything is going alright for you


People are strange. They don't like to pay attention. Don't worry though, my pledge is gunna stick with you till the end.