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While it’s on my mind I wanted to quickly mention that I want to shift gears a little in what my focuses are starting next month knowing March.

I’ll go into detail about it in another post, but I want to start bringing more of a focus to my personal comic projects so things can start moving forward on them. I’d still like to do monthly themed drawings, but I think I might limit it down to one guarenteed full illustration a month (along with potential bonuses like variations, PSDs, process videos, etc), while the bulk of my work for a month goes into making my comics a reality and being you all along for the ride with one I’m developing things!

Again, I’ll go over it in more detail in another post in a couple of days, but I wanted to for-sure put this thought out there while it was fresh in my head.

I’ll also have the next theme-poll soon. I’m planning on keeping it somewhat simple, between just a couple options.


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