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Hi everyone!

Its already near the end of June, I can't believe it.
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to be as active on Patreon as I or you all would like. Time goes by so fast, and I've been tied up with deadlines and deliveries for my day-job.

I wanted to update everyone with a few things though-
I'm sure you're aware of the tier-price changes. That all is coinciding with my change of focus to more original project rather than monthly illustrations. My content updates will probably contain less full finished pieces, but more progress reports regarding said original projects, WIP and BtS images and art, and eventually full finished chapters with my comics, or finished illustrations.

Speaking of original comics- I have one cooking as we speak. Its in an early design phase right now. I have a rough script for a short 7-8 page comic that I'm using as both a testing ground for how I want to go about making comics, and also as a way to explore an idea I've wanted to play with for a long time- a Slice-of-life comedy based around human versions of my dogs and doggy friends!

Things have finally slowed down a little with my day-job, so I want to start ramping up work on this starting comic while time allows. I'll be back with more updates and progress reports for the project, but for now I'll leave you with a little preview of some early designs for the main characters!

I'll also be taking some time over the next couple of days to update the page with drawing posts that I've shared elsewhere. Talk again soon!


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