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Hello Everyone! I hope your week has been off to a good start!
First off I wanted to say thank you again for all your support, big and small and all things in-between! It means so much to me and keeps me motivated to work hard and make every piece I do the best I can make it!

I wanted to let everyone know about updates I'll be making to the membership-tier prices here on my page. Starting in June I'll be reducing the prices of the membership tiers "Coffee to Go" and "Latte Lover" down to $1 and $5 respectively, and dropping the "Caramel Mocha Delight" tier for the time being.
This is all part of my shift to focusing on my original comic projects, and I've found that the time-investments needed to maintain the page as it has been takes a significant amount of time away from the time needed to work on other projects. If it was my full-time job (and I wish it was) I'd be able to juggle it all better, but since I still have an animation day-job I need to better allocate the time I do have available to the projects I'd initially built this page up for.
With this change, the expected tier-benefits will be changing up a little bit as well-

      $1 "Coffee to Go" members:  

  • participation in Character-Polls when we hold them

  • access to Watermark-Free versions of finished illustrations

  • Early Access to finished Comic Pages (Public releases are only when a chapter is completed)

    $5 "Latte Lover" members:  

  • All "Coffee to Go" benefits

  • Character Illustration WIPs

  • Comic Page WIPs

  • Production/Design Artwork for Comic Projects

    These changes will come into affect in June! I hope this simplifies things, not just for me but also for all of you! I'll have to sent out notifications if this change means you all need to manually change or renew your memberships, hopefully that wont be the case and it all the changes happen smoothly.
    In the meantime- Kobeni won the Chainsaw Man character poll! I can't wait to start drawing Chainsaw Man's original Fail-Girl, its going to be a good time!

    Thank you all again, and I'll have some new art ready for every soon!


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