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A little update of the progress of this animation now that I'm getting back to it :3 Started working on background stuff today and compositing the walls which I'm happy with the look of so far >w< The movement of them really helps sell the idea that they're really going at it 👀

The coloring is pretty much done and I added some actual shading to Pup which I think improves it a lot x3

As you can see there's still plenty to do, I gotta fit the dicks to the holes in the wall so they don't overlap, and they still need shading, as well as the back wall and cum shading (and some cum behind his butt) :3

I do really like this style of mixing toony/lined animation with realistic composited scenes, though if anybody grew up in the early 2000's like me it reminds me a ton of the Cartoon Network City bumpers which is kinda cursed lmao

Would love to hear what you think anyways~ ^^
