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Combat is in a very early version, both UI and interaction.

I am also preparing a kind of combat tutorial

the -1 floor may have performance problems, I have to optimize the enemies better.

the enemies will be done slowly as they require a huge amount of animations, and even so, this enemy I added I feel it lacks a few animations that I will do for the next update

I want to make the combat fun and not so complicated, any suggestions are welcome! :3


added new inflation bullet


Floor -1 open(it's the first version, missing many details and things I want to add).

slime girl (bullet 1: 6 poses 1, bullet 2 and 3: 3 poses, bullet 5: 1 pose, bullet 6: 3 poses, bullet 7: 3 poses, 3 idle animations, 3 walking animations, 1 animation when catching the player, 4 animations when being caught by the player, 6 animations when falling to the ground)

7 new drawings


-Fixed a bug where the numeric keypad was not detected correctly.

-Fixed a bug with the slime bullet that did not change the penis material correctly.

-Fixed the face number 2 had problems with the eyes when entering some scenes.

-Now the position is changed correctly after choosing always dominant, there was a problem that you had to click twice.

-Shadow npc no longer look at you when they are on the ground, and the animation when receiving a bullet no longer repeats when you look away and look again.

-increased the distance at which shadow npc's change to a lower vertex model

-fixed a bug with the bullet that removes the clothes, it also removed the penis from the futas

-fixed the collision of the bullets with the giants

bugs that I have not been able to fix this week:

there are some girls that are not affected by the orzasm gun because I have to make special animations for them.

I still need to fix when you shoot girls that are together so that the bullets affect both of them, I also have to make orgasm animations for them together.

Thank you very much to everyone who reported the bugs, it really helps me a lot to polish the game, there are more difficult bugs to fix that can take me time but I always take them into account, thank you very much again! :3


Waifu Dreams City Build 9.rar


felton lewis

can u make it into a zip file pls


look at the very top you got the download link.

felton lewis

ik but its a rar file everytime i download it it just has a internet explorer logo when its done downloading


Coming back from vacation, looking forward to this


where is the acces to the -1 floor ?


Whoaa big update love it


For future uses, I reccomend downloading 7-zip or win rar, they're free and open RAR files


Those stickers on the back of the weapon are a really nice touch. Really makes it seem like it's receiving the love it deserves.


Don't trouble yourself with providing a custom solution, if this user just downloads WinRAR to unzip the file for them, the issue will be solved as well. With WinRAR, you can just download the new update and extract the files into a folder in your PC's files. It's what I use for all my games.


I definitely think something Valkyrie related would work so well into the design of this game....maybe you could see how a sticker or outfit would turn out.


You mean the way the gun fires? I think it's pretty good already....the aim tracking with a mouse is good....only thing I've noticed which might be a bug is after you shoot and ''interact'' with an enemy, the gun auto equips itself which is a little annoying. Also maybe you could change the equip keybind from R to 1.


I can make it so that it only re-equips the weapon when you interact with the weapon on, thanks for the feedback!