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Tomorrow's update! Busted my ass on this one!




35 years from now, the coroner's office: "Alright, cause of death: lung cancer caused by smoking"


a rare visual discontinuity... not sure I've ever seen one in K6BD before... maybe final version will fix? Last pane of first image: central row of buildings leading up middle of ramp do not have stairs running up alongside them. There's only stair running up along the outside edges the the big ramp. Then the first 2 pains of 2nd image are much closer and clearly only showing one side of the ramp. The left of the first image and right of the 2nd images are the central row of buildings, not the far side of the ramp. And now we see stairs, that should also be visible in the establishing shot in last frame of first image. The buildings' roofs also don't match up. ...it's entirely possible such discontinuities have always been present, and I've just never noticed before... lol... this just really jumped out at me