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Here's tomorrow's page (with dialogue even!).

I didn't intend for Nyave to show up again as a character, but I hope given what I think she'll get up to, she'll be a lot more interesting than just 'human sacrifice girl'



Ben Klug

Nyave is already the best - in my experience, fans of a story also tend to like characters who are enthusiastic about the things in the story, and Nyave's 'A hero!' fits that remarkably well. So, more Nyave will always be welcome to me!

Dan Hale

Interesting though Ben, as a comic creator myself I have thought about that. I tend to make things serious and I always like characters in stories/movies who seem to have fun often despite the seriousness or danger.

Ben Klug

Oh yikes! I just noticed the K and Y in 'Mykossian' are swapped, watch out for that.