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Here's the flats for the battle scene. I really dig the kind of woodblock print aesthetic that's going on here and I'll probably end up coloring this a lot more flat than my other pages.



Marc Pengryffyn

That is cooler than a whole sock full of cool things dipped in a bucket of liquid nitrogen!


This is so awesome! Love it.

Jason Grover

Holy crow, besides the level of amazing detail and flow you have -- I'm impressed with the imagination you put into each of these background characters that you're only going to see once or twice. Cheers.


It's actually really hard not to re-use designs for stuff, or at least make them unique. A lot of my characters end up having bracelets and wearing some kind of loose robe because it's a recurring theme that I've gotten good at drawing


Would you be willing to make a wallpaper of this?

Jathby Dredas

Alice-un lost in the sea of fuckshitjesus...