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Hi all,

Wanted to make a little announcement post - the comic will return April 15th. I'm very happy to be working on it again.

I also wanted to add something. If you're reading this, your support through this time has been invaluable to me. As I mentioned here before, I went through a huge personal crisis at the start of this year, with my wife hospitalized for close to four weeks after the birth of my son. Things have only just now started to stabilize as my wife heals and my son gets older. 

With Patreon I didn't have to worry about running out of (likely meager) paternity leave, or losing my job due to being unable to work and caring for my wife and a newborn. I'm incredibly lucky to be self-employed and to have enough support on Patreon to be able to take a gap in work this large without having to worry about my livelihood. This is possible because first and foremost I think the relationship I have with my community is one of support and trust, where you treat me primarily as a human being and not a company or a brand. Thank you for placing your trust and support in me in this really difficult time, it means the world to me. I will always endeavor to return that trust with honesty and hard work.


Tom Bloom (Abbadon)



Happy to hear things are getting better! We'll be waiting for more good news! :)


Take your time it's fine!! -w- really happy to see you back :D