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Hey everyone, quick but very important update here - I'm not making a definite announcement here (and not a public one yet), but I  expect without further hitches Image comics will be publishing Kill Six Billion Demons (the first 90-100 pages or so of material) as a graphic novel, and it will go up for previews in September this year.

After that point you should be able to order it online from the usual (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc) or find it at a comic shop.


Jerry Sköld

That is AWESOME! I´ve been holding my breath (basically) for a collected hardcopy edition.


This is absolutely great news!!


That's awesome. I will definitely be buying a copy

Secret Name

Will it be available for EU shipping, you think?


That's terrific!


ah, cool. did you shop around? you cool with Image's contracts?


That's fantastic news, congratulations! Will the text from each page be incorporated somehow? I love how it adds to the world design and feel of the universe.


Image has the name recognition and is way preferable to the other big-name creator owned comic publisher (Dark Horse) so I'm pretty happy to publish with them


A sexy, well-designed index at the end may be a worthwhile side-project. With simple lineart or some of your extra drawings that pop up as doodles here on Patreon. Kind of an Encyclopedia Demonica. You have built such a wonderful universe here that I feel it would easily bleed into your RPG project, etc. I dunno, I'm just rambling now. I will totally be buying the physical publication when available. Congrats!.

Michael Dougher

i totally agree with this. i would love to see all of that extra stuff added in there. it really adds to the world!

Jonathan Handler

Congratulations! It will be so cool to see KSBD in print!