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Hi everyone,

I'm currently spending a week in the Bay Area and thought it would be cool if anyone's around to organize a pretty low-key meetup. To that end, I'm going to be at Mission Comics on 2250 Mission St. in San Francisco at 2:00pm on Sunday, May 1st. I think there's a little bit of space there we can hang out at, but we might move to a cafe or something in the area afterwards.

You can spot me because I will be the dashingly handsome 6'2" white guy wearing the world's greatest Japanese Star Wars shirt. If you're an artist bring a sketchbook.

Let me know if you're going to show! It's short notice, so if nobody comes by, I will be content with browsing comics for a bit. I'll aim to hang around until about 5:00.

Hope to see a few people there!




Will be there for sure!


I will be up the street at Victoria theater from 2-4 ish for the independent film fest but if your still around, love to say hi.


I will try to be there.