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The MS Paint adventures forum (yes, that is the home of Homestuck) was the original home of Kill Six Billion Demons when I did a forum adventure version of it maybe 4ish years ago (which is pretty crazy to think about). It was mainly an exercise in brainstorming and putting work out, and it was pretty rough, but it did have some of the ideas that carried through to the current comic.

The forums are down (perhaps permanently), so here's something interesting - this was the first incarnation of YISUN that I ended up drawing. I think I kept a lot of the weird proportions and the gauntleted hand but changed a lot about the overall design in the end (in keeping with depictions of Vishnu, who YISUN is partly based on).



Spencer Curtis

i freaking loved those forums. I actually got reminded or directed to current KSBD from some mspafa making friends who kept up and im really glad they did!