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Hi everyone, just thought I'd check in and let you know my upcoming goals. I've been focused on drawing the comic recently, which has been super art heavy, and will always be my top priority. However, I know updates have been a little slower here so I want to let you know my plans over the next two or three weeks:

-Release a version of the RPG with a lot of the basic world lore, world building tips for campaign settings, a brief enemy bible/monster manual type thing, and some detail on locations, items, and technology of Throne. It's still going to be mostly without illustration for now, but I want to get this close to finalized.

- Tweak the RPG a little more to make some moves/classes more flavorful. I'm especially looking at the Fated, and a few of the basic moves. If you have any additional RPG feedback, let me know in this post! I've gotten a lot of really good stuff from people who've run sessions of the RPG so far and it's been extraordinarily helpful.

-Do another art tutorial video of some kind. I think I'll do one on drawing faces, since this is something I think I can work on myself.

-Do a quick tutorial about panel composition

-Draw more pinups in the future

That's all my thoughts for now. Hope you're having a good final week of February!



Stephen Gunnell

Just looking at The Law's "Suspicious" basic move. From the description I would have thought it would give -1 bonds not +1 bonds.

Stephen Gunnell

Some advice about the destiny for the Fated would be nice. The Fated in my playtest wrote a destiny about meeting a person on the field of battle "Who's death I cannot forsee" ... well hello, you cannot forsee the death of anyone at all. And any predictions for the future like that are just a bitch to GM. And there are no reasonable milestones to exploit.


The bond is actually supposed to indicate knowledge or intimacy with a person, not necessarily positive or negative, and it doesn't have to be two ways


Hm, that sounds kind of cryptic. You could maybe set him or her up with meeting a very powerful fighter on the battlefield (eventually), and seed rumors about this fighter that the player can pick up on. When they get a little closer to them or uncover some huge clue about their identity, you can mark a milestone for them. Maybe even ask them a little more about what they mean. I've definitely had players pull cryptic stuff when I've DMd dungeons and dragons in the past.

Stephen Gunnell

Well the mechanism in the rules is that you will be more effective leaping to the aid of someone you have a positive bond with. Suspicion would tend to indicate you are a bit standoffish and unwilling to become entangled in that person's affairs which tends to fit with a negative bond.