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Stand back, said the demiurge, I'm going to sneeze!


This is like if seven sentient nuclear bombs just went off huh

Brian Miller

Ramping up and getting ready to make that grand attack, only to be shoved aside into the dirt! What shall the count be now? Shall we count the pain and suffering? No, for it is only ephemeral, cries and tears as dew before the sun.


Look, grampa Lizardo, what part of “we’ve got to work together” did you miss at the last meeting? Yeesh, y’all are begging for universal extinction, aren’t you?


> looks at my go bag in the corner. > many feels for the people fleeing the demiurge battle > get your hat man, let's go, let's go


I am shocked, Shocked!, that the gods are bad at teamwork


So did Mottom just cast "Meteor" and was shoved aside by Mammon before finishing her spell?


these idiots need to learn the Power of Teamwork!

March Parabola

Rayubans really just listened to Solomon say 'Evacuate the city' and proceeded to do just that in, what, three minutes, tops?

Guy Rixon

They are really well-drilled about civil defence. Also, we don't see all the others who didn't move when ordered; they are now panicking in the city centre.


The gods of the seven-part world are helpless in the face of their greatest challenge: The grand enemy called "I".


Doesn't it look more like Mammon is just prepping to breath fire?