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Hey all you lovely people,

Here's the most recent version of the KSBD RPG. This was released a month ago for RPG-pledging patrons, and as usual, they will get the newest versions as they come out.

Here's the major changes:

- The big ones:

-Total overhaul of the damage/health system. It's (I hope) a lot faster and simpler - more like a 'harm' system than a DnD style one. Combat should be quick and more impactful.

- Added an 'advanced martial arts' section for players looking for additional customization options

-Added the Dark Future table for using your character's Flaw

-Added optional Battle and Duel mechanics for using a more structured combat system (round based)


-No more polyhedral dice, only D6s

-Reworked some tags

-Renamed the Injury roll to Tempt Fate, renamed the Tempt Fate roll (death roll) to Defy Fate

-Reduced the sources of exp gain, now the main way to gain it is through the End session move

-Added a Flourish to each weapon style - now when using a weapon, you have a chance to activate an extra effect

- Took away a lot of +1 moves in favor of a more result-focused move structure that's easier to keep track of

- Reworked a lot of classes' basic moves to be way more juicy, a lot of them were pretty boring and felt low-impact. Biggest changes are to the Law, the Master, the Boss, and the Beggar.

-Changed the way a lot of Fury moves work. Added a few moves to the Refined.

-Clarified how the Boss' gang shenanigans work

...and plenty more.

 The main source of feedback I'm looking for is how the new damage/health system works out. From the limited testing I did it seemed to work pretty well, but I'm afraid of damage feeling too 'spiky' because of critical hits, and also that making the Tempt Fate roll every time you take damage might be adding needless complication (I'm thinking of changing it to whenever you take wounds instead of any damage).

There's some formatting issues and issues with the table of contents, but for now I need feedback on this version as I'm pretty sure it's getting close to the final version.

I'm thinking of making some major changes to the basic moves/statistics, but the moves of each class will probably remain the same. More to come!




Looking forward to drawing a lot of inspiration and hours of fun from this :)

Stephen Gunnell

Built some character sheets, Happy to send you one or all. The sample character sheet needs a spot for Proficiencies. Do characters start at level 0 or 1 ? Zero would be more consistent for the 3 steps progress but there is no advanced skill for reaching level 1. Does Respite need to be added to Basic Moves? Hunter /Angel mentions Path of Petals - should that be Path of Thorns? Why would a player chose a -1 bond over a +1 bond when it is at least 50% harder to close. There are inconsistencies in the singular /plural naming of proficiencies. Hold and Forward desperately need examples as their use was not clear to me after reading your descriptions. There are very few listed Flaws that it would seem possible to construct a scenario where the player would want to use them to determine the move outcome. Is Tempt Fate mandatory? If so it should say so. I not why would anyone choose it? "Fiction Trumps Everything" is not something that should be in the players section unless you have an unusually kind set of players. Maybe the player advice should be something like "Play along with the fiction and the GM will smooth your path".


I know "Broken World" is tentative as a name, but thought you should be aware of this game: <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1601691240/broken-world-a-post-apocalypse-tabletop-rpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1601691240/broken-world-a-post-apocalypse-tabletop-rpg</a> .... not sure if that matters of course.


I was aware of the other game, but thanks for letting me know. I'll probably change the name of this one eventually, but it sounds pretty solid for now

Stephen Gunnell

I read the Simple World rules and see that in the original you would have had a bond with each other player. One at +1, one at -1 and the rest at 0. That makes a lot more sense ... did you have a reason for dropping it?


I think I should make it clearer that you need to fill out bonds with all players (and should probably mention you need to fill in the 0/1/-1 in order). It is definitely a good point though.


What happens if you roll multiple flourishes on damage dice? Did you play around with having flourishes happen on doubles?

Stephen Gunnell

My local gaming group has finally got back together after our Christmas recess so I am running a KSBD playtest. None of us have played any of the PbtA variants and I am the only KSBD reader (although that might change). We have a Human Fated, Human Master, Human Beggar, Servant Fury and Demon Hunter. Play started with the players all giving reasons why they were waiting for an audience with the King of Thud (actually Thuddq). As it turned out the Fated had had a vision about the King needing help, the Hunter had made enquiries about a certain Derek the Strangler and had been mysteriously passed up the chain of command and the others were all looking for employment of various stripes. Each of them was offered and accepted employment to root out one Derek the Strangler who was fomenting unrest in the outer provinces. After a night in the palace and week travelling through the countryside, during which time they observed the locals, they arrived in the area of the unrest. The party decided on a plan where they moved from town to town getting a feel for the place with the Master selling his Calligraphy skills in the towns, the Fury being his bodyguard, the Hunter being his bound devil and the other two being hangers on. I had some problems that the party seemed unwilling to try Query the Cosmos and Pry Secrets rolls even when prompted so they haven'tactually gathered much information. They do know that there are a higher incidence of crippled war veterans here than in the area they travelled through earlier. They also know that the events are linked to an battle between the local militia and some devils about 5 years ago which did not go well for the militia. Local sentiment is that the Devils came from the capital back east.

Stephen Gunnell

First players package: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHEwo61B6MeuA7E-yObdx6AsZydxtunL25iCpeMNeCY/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHEwo61B6MeuA7E-yObdx6AsZydxtunL25iCpeMNeCY/edit?usp=sharing</a>


Awesome! I hope you don't mind if I take some inspiration from this when I finally get around to making proper character sheets for the game

Stephen Gunnell

So I distributed the player packages and we had a second session. Between sessions I had fleshed out the major players and some sort of fronts ad a clock that could run forwards or backwards to two different results. At the end of the last session the party had encountered a group of youths hanging out on the track and the Fury had loosened his sword and there was some posturing going on. Our Fury made a couple of partial successes and the youths eventually decide it was not wise to provoke him any further and backed off. The rest of the party visited a nearby hamlet and found a grumpy middle aged man before deciding there was no profit to be had before carrying on. Half an hour down the track the party stopped for lunch and our Blue Devil Hunter decided to go back and investigate the hamlet. One successful Close Eyes and Still Hearts later she was lurking around the houses. She could hear the youths back at work and the grumpy man was nowhere to be seen. After a short check around she slipped inside a house trusting to her Devil skills and Lizard School techniques to stay unnoticed. Inside the house was empty with only a few sleeping mats and a bunch of straw dummies and practice spears. She then inspected the rest of the houses steering clear of the grumpy man and found more of the same and then rejoined the party. The group carried on into the next village and prepared to carry on the travelling calligrapher routine except this time the Master displayed his name hoping to trade on his reputation. He soon attracted the attention of the town scribe who invited the Master and his immediate entourage (the Fury and the Hunter) to his house. The others retired to the local tavern. After a while the Fury arrived at the tavern and ordered a drink but when he came to pay he found his purse was missing. He immediately started accusing the barkeep and locals of stealing his purse and snatched up the drink and quaffed it. When the barkeep asked him to leave he stormed out. While this was going on the Master was preparing a scroll and the Hunter (having recently been told about Blue Devils liking for liquor and vice) suggested he might like to embellish it with some erotic drawings. A bargain was then struck that the hunter would pose in return for some cheese and a silver coin. The Fury soon arrived back and a spirited discussion ensued about the lost purse. The GM sat back and enjoyed this, kibbitzing along with the other players. Mean while the Beggar had been liberally invoking Small Feet make Small Paths and had fallen in with one of the local crippled veterans and learned that the population entire hamlets had been disappearing every now and then for about 10 years. After 5 years of inaction from the king the local towns had banded together and formed a militia to try and hunt down the perpetrators. At which point the devils showed up and trashed the militia with only a few maimed survivors who had been left for dead.

Stephen Gunnell

Just a couple of things that turned up during play: With Pry Secrets on a 7-9 there is no incentive for the players to ever choose more than 1 question. Also the DW version of Pry Secrets has a requirement that you need to be able to examine the site and talk to people where as your version seems to allow instant appraisal. Was that your intent? Our Beggar was trying to use Ways and Means to get cash. I ruled it hat to be stuff that the local poor people could get themselves. Would that be correct?

Stephen Gunnell

If anyone is interested how I am organising things: Each player has a player pack for their class like the one I published earlier. There are a couple of copies of the Equipment and Sundries section pp81 to 91 on the table and the GM has a GM pack which is pp15-31 plus the move list from pp100 and the enemy strength table from pp113.