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It's barely been two days and we've hit the twice a week milestone already - so I'll say more on this (thinking of making a video), but for now I'm really finding it hard to express how astounded I am at the amount of support for this comic. I was expecting to maybe hit the $520 a month goal but definitely not to double it with such speed.

I want to let you know it's directly through your support that I'm going to be able to realize a personal goal of mine - treating this comic as a professional endeavor rather than a (rather obsessive) hobby, which is not something a lot of people get to do.

I do have plans to publish the comic which I will talk more on once they are solidified, so you will definitely be able to get your hands on a hard copy of the book. For now I'm looking forward to updating it twice as fast!

Thanks a ton for the massive outpouring of support, and I'm looking forward to next week!


