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Hey all! This is publicly accessible but I thought I would post it here as well.

I’m very proud to announce the next FULL, FREE public testing release of  LANCER, the mech RPG! Now with a full NPC section,  GM section, 60+ pages of lore, new art, and new powerful systems. A huge amount of work has gone into this update and I hope you enjoy it.  As always, the testing version of this game is free (just give us  feedback) and you can grab it here:


I've also attached the main file to this post if you want to pick it up here.



Jason Land

Damn, where do you find the time? Six Billion Demons, the lore blog posts, Broken Worlds, and this? It's all super impressive and I love it all.

Justin Pfeil

He makes enough from the comic to not hold a 9 to 5. Makes me jealous and want to work harder.


yes sur


Is there a paticular place that we're supposed to leave feedback or is here fine?

Petter Wäss

Holy **** The Union is evil as all hell! They killed a World, an entire World jus because they could not beat it conventionally.

Matthew C Shriner

I'm digging the new edition, still working up an adventure for my hapless meat puppets... Players.


good job love


I saw some "::" around, you can easily find'em out and fix them. Also, in the Oda pilot example, the 3rd talent is missing the "I" in the rank.


Pag 167, under Railgun: "Ordnance"