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Hey all!

It's that time again! We're going to do our monthly patron hangout on Saturday, April 28th, from 5PM EST (UTC-5:00). We'll probably hang out and chat for about two hours or so, if past hangouts have been any indication. These hangouts are always a blast and I have a great time chatting, answering questions, and talking about all kinds of stuff (typically we chat about video games and comics a lot). If you don't have a mic or just want to listen in you're more than welcome, and there's a text chat too.

As always, we'll use the patron discord server for the hangout (discord is the best free voice app you can download the moment, bar none). I'll post a reminder before the hangout goes live.

Hope to see you there!




How do I get the RPG?

Safa Farhoumand

Can the rowdy fight boys of Patreon get a snippet of what you're working on? I'm sufferin' out here.