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Yes I went there, but I'm sure there's SOMEBODY who will get some use out of this.

I posted a couple versions and the .psd as well so you can resize it if you need to.




Based on some of the threads I've been reading, not only were folks hoping for this but some were expecting Cio/Allison. But to me it seemed completely out of left field. Were there some signs I missed?

Imogen Geier

Cio always unambiguously crushed on Allison—"whether or not [she'll] have me". Allison's feelings for Cio have always been much more subtle. The "Shipping Chapter" gave them some important bonding—Cio comforted Allison in tears and helped with her hair, and in this chapter, we've seen Allison showing much more empathy and concern for Cio.


Abbadon ! Sure am enjoying your works in KSBD ! Think you have enough great spreads for a CALENDAR ! ( POR FAVOR ! ) Really looking forward to the next page. If KSBD was a soap opera - I'd be checking in every day - as I already DO ! I volunteer to do your announcements: "CHECK IN NEXT WEEK - FOR THE NEXT....... KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS ! AAAAEEEEIIII-AAARRGGH !"