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Hey all!

You may have noticed it's December and we (criminally) haven't had a hangout yet for November. I sincerely apologize - Thanksgiving and moving got quite in the way. I'm currently in the process of moving across the country and things will be more solid starting January. That said, I'm going to try and do a hangout Saturday, December 9th, from 12-2pm Pacific Standard Time US (UTC -8:00). 

As always, we'll be using discord, a great free voice app. We'll probably hang out and chat but I'll also be discussing some upcoming stuff for Patreon, mostly notably the (very imminent) full release of the KSBD RPG and upcoming projects. I'll post a link to the server about 10-15 minutes before the hangout starts and there'll be a reminder closer to the event.

Hope to see you there!




Sound nice. Can someone tells me how does the hangout works? Is it like a podcast?