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Hey all!

Here's an interview with me from about a year or so ago that just popped up on youtube. It's a little old, and is mostly around the time I was releasing book 1, but I think it might be an interesting listen.


Catching Up: Tom Parkinson-Morgan Will Kill Six Billion Demons

This week, the boys talk to Tom Parkinson-Morgan about his web comic Kill Six Billion Demons which will have its first volume see print for the first time on Wednesday, September 7 collected by Image Comics! A demonic fantasy of epic proportions, the gang talk to Tom about it, his influences, and what led him to bring the story to print! Kill Six Billion Demons is available in comic shops everywhere and on Comixology on Wednesday, September 7! To keep up with the web comic, go to the official website here!


Radiation Pocket

Sounds good and please come check us out

Radiation Pocket

So we love your comics and heavy metal demons we would like to add a fan fiction page to our website and have a fan art section. Let me know what you think contact us at our web page.