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Grab it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2mQ7IPn-PsqNE9uYkp4Yjh6VUE

The change log is on the third page of the document, but the major highlights:

 - Part 2 of the test module!

 - Small changes to melee reach/engagement 

- Changes to Flight

 - Invasion Rework

 - Lock on gives Accuracy

 - Hard suits and Jockeying are better

 - Many systems have the Unique tag

 - New Talents that grant Accuracy

 - Added a couple new systems, and tweaked a ton of other systems




Matthew C Shriner

As I begin to work on world building for my players, I have questions about the example Opponents. Like, in setting, why do tanks have better evasion than infantry or mechs? And are infantry assumed to have some form of hardsuit, giving them mech scale HP and equivalent speed to a GMS Everest?

Matthew C Shriner

Abbadon, I was going through the rules with a friend who noticed something. The rules as written seem to allow a low level pilot to operate a mech printed by a high level pilot without penalty, PROVIDED that than mech has no parts associated with a license the low level pilot does not have. EG: A Level 15 Pilot prints a GMS SP-1 Everest with only GMS equipment for a Level 0 Pilot, who can then use that SP-1 with the Level 15 stat bumps (kit) w/out penalty. This leads to the question, is this an intended possibility? My friend and I also agree that the rules as intended prohibit this transaction w/out penalty; but we're curious. I think the game/setting is cool either way, and the possibility actually adds an interesting dynamic to a sub-setting I'm working on that I didn't realize until my friend pointed it out.


The link seems to go straight to the tables doc instead of going to the folder with the various PDFs in it! The actual folder link seems to be this: <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2mQ7IPn-PsqNE9uYkp4Yjh6VUE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2mQ7IPn-PsqNE9uYkp4Yjh6VUE</a>

Carter Kennedy

really digging the jockeying and hardsuit buffs

