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Saturday morning, at last!  This ten hours a day for six days a week shit was starting to wear on me.  The money was nice but god damn I could not wait until they finally hired some more drivers.  Not only was it draining but it also denied me my Friday nights.  Working the graveyard shift and having the opposite hours to the rest of the world was already hell on my social life but right now going to the movies, shooting pool with the boys, date nights with Sarah, and everything else had to be squeezed into just Saturday night.  The silver lining though was that I knew this wouldn’t last forever.  There would be new hires coming in January at the latest, or so I was told.

Once parked I get out and stretch my aching back before gathering my stuff and heading for the front door.  Despite my fatigue the promise of a new letter waiting for me puts a little spring in my step.  Through the night I had thought about Sarah and her smutty paperback again and again.  I would think about how aroused the fiction made her and wonder ‘is she reading it now?’.  I’m not sure why, my lack of jerking off most likely, but the very idea of my prudish wife getting sexually turned on had me as horny as a dog in heat.  I was definitely proud of her and happy for her pushing boundaries, but mostly I just found it HOT.  Her letter had been short and its language as tame as could be yet because it was her I found it better than any erotica I’d ever read.

I enter the house and hang up my jacket when, to my pleasant surprise, Sarah comes swooshing down the hall already done up and dressed in a lovely azure sun dress that made her blue eyes shine.


“You got up early.”  I smile as her soft body slides into my arms like God designed it special to fit right there.  After a kiss I say.  “You coulda slept.”

“I missed you.”  She says in a soft pouting tone.  “These weeks are just too long David.  They’re working you too hard.”

“I know.”  I sigh wearily.  “But hey, we’re paying off the house way ahead of schedule.”

“I don’t care about the house.”  She lays her head on my chest.  “I care about you.”

I wrap my arms round her and hold her tight.  “Soon.”

“I hope so.”  She sighs.  “I want my husband back.”

“I’m not goin nowhere.”  I kiss her head.

Pulling away she looks up at me.  “Hungry?”


“Good.”  She kisses me.  “I made us Eggs Benedict.”

“You didn’t.”

“I did.  They’re staying warm in the oven as we speak.”

I shake my head.  “I don’t deserve you.  You know that, right?”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”  She giggles and grabs my arm.  “Come on, Papa Bear.”

As she leads me to the kitchen my smile grows.  I loved it when she called me that.  While she plates up the breakfast I pour our coffees, decaf so that I could grab some shut eye, and soon we are sitting at the table enjoying her absolutely delicious creation.  Glaring in its absence on the table between us is the envelope that she owed me.  I’m not surprised.  She would have wanted me to open it with her sitting right here.  But it gnawed at my curiosity as to where it might be and she might have gotten up to yesterday evening.  My desire to know getting the better of me I steer the conversation.

“So what’d  you get up to last night?”  I ask, casual as could be.

“Mmm?”  She swallows and daubs her plump lips with a napkin.  “Not much.”  Getting up she takes our plates and heads for the dishwasher.  “Talked with Tonia for awhile.”

Following along with our cups I quip.  “You don’t talk to her enough at work?”

“Not really!”  She laughs.  “With 15 toddlers and preschools running around I can’t even hear myself never mind her.”

I chuckle.  “So a quiet night then.”


“Really?”  I croon slyly.  “That’s all you got up to?”

Tilting her head she looks at me perplexed as she turns toward me.  “Yeah.  Why are you asking like that?”

“Oh.”  I wink.  “I just thought maybe you, I don’t know, read something interesting or…”

A look of horror comes over her and her face turns a bright pink.  “David!  You promised!”

“I was just…”

“You promised!”  A tremor of barely contained emotion in her sweet voice she says.  “You swore.  You swore you wouldn’t!”

“I’m sorry.”  I say.  “I was just making a joke.”

“I-I-I can’t do this.”  She shakes her head.  “I’m done.  I’m done!”

“Hey.  Heyyy.  Woah.  Slow down, baby.”  I slip my arms around her hourglass figure and pull her close.  “It’s okay.”  Gazing into her eyes I say with all my heart.  “I’m sorry, Sarah.  You’re right.  I promised.  I did promise.  It won’t happen again.”

Closing her eyes she brings a trembling hand to her face and takes a few jittery breaths as she contains the panic that threatened to overcome her.  After a moment she whispers.  “Sorry.”  She takes a long, deep breath and lets it out slowly before opening her eyes again.  “Sorry.   You know how I get with this stuff.  This is already tough enough for me.  If I’m going to do this…I need space.”  With a tender stroke of my shoulder she says.  “We can talk in December.  I promise.”

“Okay.  Won’t happen again.”

“Thank you.”  Her pure smile brightens my whole damn life.

Crisis averted we carry on as if nothing had happened.  After chatting awhile and catching up with each other I am about to head upstairs to get cleaned up and grab a nap when she splits off to grab a shawl and her purse from the closet.

“Heading out?’

“Just a few errands.”  She says.  “I’ll be back before you wake up.”  Coming to me she kisses my cheek.  “Sleep well, my love.”

“See ya soon.”

It wasn’t until I was in my steamy shower fighting the temptation to break my no fap streak when it dawns on me that I still hadn’t found her letter.  I knew my wife well enough to know that she was stickler for rules.  Assuming her challenge was still on, and it seemed to be based on that little scene downstairs, that letter had to be around somewhere.  I hurry the remainder of my shower, briskly towel off, then head out into our bedroom a bit damp and totally nude.  I scan the room for that particular shade of white but see nothing.  In fact I see nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever, wait…something was different.  Panning slowly across our room I search for the detail out of place and before long my eyes settle on my pillow.  Or, more correctly, pillows.  The bed was freshly made and, for some reason, Sarah had given me two a stack of two pillows instead of the single one that I preferred.  She’d made the bed hundreds of times the exact same way.  There was no chance that was by accident.  When I lift the top pillow I am not surprised to see a perfectly centered envelope with my name on it waiting for me.


Dear David,

I bet you’re wondering how I spent my Friday night.  After you left yesterday I got so wrapped up in finishing that trashy novel (the ending was predictable but very satisfying) that I nearly forgot the challenge!  You said that I had to do one new thing each day so I knew that the book couldn’t count again.  Running out of time and not sure what to do I finally settled on (drum roll) the internet!  I’d always heard about the prevalence of online pornography so I thought, what the heck, the computer’s just a room away and the clock was ticking so why not check it out.  And oh my goodness!  My eyes!  My innocent eyes!  I cannot unsee what I have seen.  Ha ha ha!

I searched for the most popular site that had tasteful adult content.  I just had to confirm that I was over 18 and then I was in.  So easy.  And geez!  If what I found was the tasteful stuff I don’t even want to know what the rest of it looked like. I mean these videos showed EVERYTHING!  The books at least left it to your imagination, but this stuff…BOOM!  Naked bodies all over the place doing the MOST private things!  With the lights on and everything!  I couldn’t believe you actually watch this stuff!  No judgment, it was just WAY more than I was expecting.  Even more I cannot believe there are men and women who willingly do it.  What must their parents think!

I must sound like such a prude.  I’m not going to lie, David.  I was so shocked at first that I almost turned it right off and quit the whole challenge.  But I wanted to give this a fair shot.  I really want to do this challenge with you.  I want to be a better wife for you.  If you could watch this stuff I knew there must be something good about it.  So I decided that I would sit and watch one full video, no matter what.  The video I chose had a pretense of a repair man coming to help a woman with her sink but the plot was paper thin and the characters were laughably bad.  Not that those mattered as they pretty much got straight to spicy stuff as fast as they could.  I was really uncomfortable at first.  I felt like I was spying on these people in their most intimate moments.  But I reminded myself that it was made for entertainment and that they were consenting adults.  I tried to imagine them as entirely fictional, like the characters in my novel, and you know what?  It actually worked.

I’m not going to go into lurid detail about the video.  I think I’m still a bit traumatized by it.  Ha ha ha!  But wow, what an experience.  Seeing another woman’s body really made me self conscious and a little jealous.  Especially because I knew you sometimes watched these kind of videos.  But I knew that just like any actress she’d been chosen specifically for her good looks.  Seeing another man’s body was really strange.  Until last night you had been the only man I had ever seen in the nude.  I felt guilty.  I felt like I was cheating on you just by looking.  But I remembered what you told me and forced myself relax enough to enjoy it.  

Obviously I had never watched anybody have sex before.  It was crude and a little gross, but it was also quite beautiful.  The actors themselves were very good looking and both of them had incredible bodies but it was something more than that.  Their expressions and movements and sounds were all so exciting.  Now I understand why you enjoy it.  Maybe, someday, we might even watch one together?  That could be interesting.  Maybe you could show me some better ones if I’m feeling brave enough.

So that’s my report.  I hope I didn’t give your system any viruses or anything.  I tried to be careful and I did I full scan after.  Anyway, I should go.  You’re going to be home soon and I have Eggs Benedict to make.  Surprise!  Ha ha ha!  I hope they were good.  It’s so weird writing a letter to the future you when I’m going to see the real you before you read this.  This is really kind of fun, isn’t it?

Sleep well, my dearest.



Wow.  Wow!  My sweet Sarah watched porn?  The woman who got antsy about even a nip slip in a mainstream movie watched a fully x rated vid?  I couldn’t believe it.  Not just peeked but watched a whole video from start to finish.  Incredible.

With love in my heart I read it again, adoring all the innocence and the little Sarah-isms sprinkled throughout.  A few things stick out on the second reading.  The fact that she felt somehow threatened by some big titty porn actress for one.  There was no woman out there that could compare to her in my eyes.  Not one.  I’d be sure to make that clear to her tonight.  Another thing was her comment that she had to do ‘one new thing’ each day.  I hadn’t actually said that in our initial bargain.  I’d only said that she had to do one arousing or titillating thing each day.  But if she read that as ‘new’, so be it.  It would certainly make the month more interesting.  And the final thing that strikes me…was just how fucking horny I was again!  I’d walked in here with barely a chub but as I move the letter to look down at myself now my six inches was standing at full attention.  Crazy.  There hadn’t even been that much description in the letter to get me going.  But, for whatever reason, I was HARD.

Without bothering to cover up I take my boner and the letter to the office to shred it as I knew I must.  I considered briefly taking a photo of it so I might read it again someday, but I knew damn well that would be against the spirit of our agreement.  And so I send it through the shredder.

As I watch it slowly disappear through the slot, the grinding blades growling as it destroyed the fancy paper, my eyes drift toward the office computer.  That was where she watched the video.  As I stand and stare I wonder…would she have been savvy enough to use a private browser?  Would she have thought about deleting the history?  I would have bet my next paycheck that she hadn’t.  Preferring people to machines Sarah was not very tech minded.  I bet it was still there.  My kinky curiosity demanding that I look I am starting it up the very next second.

My suspicion is confirmed as I find the video right there in the history as the very last page visited.  Pausing a moment I wonder if I ought to look or not.  There was no specific rule around this but I knew that she wouldn’t have watched it if she understood the risk of me seeing what she watched.  Eventually my need to know overpowered any resistance.  As long I didn’t actually say anything it would be fine.

I click it then sit and watch the video.  It was as she described, a typical repair guy shows up to a sexy single woman’s apartment and shenanigans commence.  The scene was far more tame than anything I would have sought out for myself.  It wasn’t quite softcore, as there were shots of penetration and such, but it wasn’t far off.  I was actually quite impressed.  The production value was top notch and, dare I say, it was almost classy in its presentation.  And the performers were at a different level.  The woman was fucking perfect.  Smooth, flawless, all natural feminine hotness.  And the guy was young and buff and classically handsome.  If the porn I watched was a store brand soda then this stuff was a fine wine.  Given it was Sarah that chose this video it didn’t surprise me.

As I watch the duo on the screen go perform their scene my gaze is drawn again…and again…and again to the dashing stud with the perfect body.  Wide shoulders, narrow waist, hard muscles, six pack abs, and a thick ruler straight cock that had to be at least seven inches.

What the hell?  I pull my attention back to the gorgeous blond bombshell he was banging.  But after a few seconds I find myself ogling the male performer again.  This was not normal.  Peering down at my hard, twitching dick with it’s not quite perfect upward curve I mutter.  “What the hell you lookin at?”

And then it hits me.  As I looked at the repair man’s glistening physique it wasn’t so much him as it was the fact that I knew that Sarah had seen him.  My wife had sat in this very chair watching that young stud ravish a woman with blond hair and blue eyes, just like her.  Just…like…her.  That could have been her lying there beneath him in the throes of passion.  What had Sarah thought as she watched him?  What did she think when she saw his chiseled body and ramrod cock?  What had she felt as she watched him fuck the woman who could be her like the pro that he was?  Was she thinking of me as she watched him…or was she fantasizing about him?

My hand wraps around my screaming erection.

“Hah!”  I gasp and shake my head.  “Jesus.”

Hurriedly I close the browser.  Tame it might be compared to my usual fair but much more of that and No Nut November was going to be ending prematurely.

Nov. 5th 


Michael Dierks

Ha. She's to internet porn on day 4 and David's thinking he's not gonna make his 30 days ... I'm with him, he's screwed. Alot of days left, I'm rooting for the "new" Sarah to be there for David when we hit December. Lack of communication is always the downfall of a relationship, and the letter thing seems destined to limit that communication in real time.