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Dear David,

Good morning dear.  I did it!  I saw that look in your eyes when you went to work last night.  You were thinking that there were only a couple of hours left in the day and that I hadn’t done anything yet.  You thought I was going to chicken out, didn’t you?  Well, you know what?  I almost did!  Ha ha ha!

What did I do you ask?  Well, since you must know, after you left I turned out all the lights and sat down in the living room and I had naughty thoughts.

Don’t!  I just know you’re rolling your eyes again.  Stop it!  Naughty thoughts count.  You might not think they do, but they do.  For me they do.  Besides, it’s just the first day.  You have to let me get warmed up you know.

It was weird at first.  I felt stupid and a little ashamed of myself.  But I sat there in the dark and forced myself to think about you.  You and me.  You and me doing things together.  Private things.  Remember what you did on our last anniversary?  When you took me from behind.  I was thinking of that.  I thought about it a lot.  The way your beard tickled my bare shoulder and the nape of my neck.  The feeling of your big, strong hands on my breasts.  The way you took me with such power!  And all the sexy sounds we made.  And after a little while it started feeling good.  Really good!  Really, really good!  Especially my special bits.  So good that I started to wish that you were home so you could the things I was thinking about to me.  Not that you could have given your challenge.  But still, it was fun to dream about.

Whoo!  It was tough getting to sleep after that I can tell you!  I felt all hot and bothered.  I bet it will be the same for you, huh?  This is going to be hard month for both of us.

Give me a call before you go to bed.  I need to talk to you quick about an email I got from my mom.  And remember when you call, no mentioning these letters!  Or anything about these challenges we’re doing for Naughty November.  Seriously David.  I would die.  I would just curl up and die of embarrassment.  I would anywhere, but especially at work with all the kids there.  You swore on our marriage, remember.  And on another month of no nookie on the line.  So you be good, or else.

Okay, gotta go.  Supper’s in the fridge.  EAT THE DARN BROCCOLI!  I love you.

Your one and only,



“Woah.”  I mutter as I reread the letter a second time.  “Good for you, babe.”

Naughty thoughts wasn’t what I had in mind for a challenge but she was right.  For her it was a breakthrough.  After yesterday’s letter I was afraid that she would throw in the towel before we’d even begun and feel bad about herself.  It stung me to read that my laughter hurt her feelings and that she felt inadequate.  I never meant her to feel that way.  She understood, thank goodness, but still it wasn’t nice to read that.  But this letter showed that she wasn’t about to wilt just yet.

As I read it a third time I had to confess that reading about napes and breasts and sexy sounds had me already tempted to break my No Nut challenge as it brought to mind that special evening of our fifth anniversary.  We really went all out that time.  Flowers, the symphony, dancing, and dinner under the stars.  It had been such a magical night from start to finish.  But the incredible lovemaking that capped it off really set it apart in our memory.  It got me thinking that we should really do that again sometime.  Perhaps the night of December 1st?  Yeah.  That’d be nice.

Looking over the letter I was struck by how, as tame as they were, Sarah never would have expressed herself so plainly out loud.  We may just have stumbled upon something brilliant with this letter writing idea.  She clearly felt more at ease with the written word.  This was good to know.  And I do chuckle at her yelling at me to eat my vegetables.  The woman loved me, that was for sure.

True to my word I carry the letter to our home office where I read it one last time and try to commit it to memory before sending the stationery through the shredder.

Nov. 3rd 



So is this gonna be an escalation to the wife cheating? Cause she seems like she’s a bit into her husband for that. But I guess we’ll see